Waypoints Management & Backups - Auto Google Earth Waypoint Integration - Side Imaging Replay - Tournament Concierge - Notes - Logs & Fish Catch Analytics - Tournament Analytics and more.
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Want to go back and look at something you've side imaged before?
It can often be tough to navigate the boat, look at the side scan and mark every waypoint you want to in real time.
If you're like us you graph a lot and may often forget what specific waypoints are marking.
Are they marking rocks, a laydown, a brush pile, a road bed, a sunken boat, a depression or creek channel cutting through a flat or any one of a myriad of other things.
Now, you don't have to mark everything in real time! You can still try to mark as much as you can, but now you can go back and take your time marking things when you get home, from the comfort of your couch!
You can then take your time and mark everything and indicate the appropriate icons and metadata, which you can then use on your fish finder or with Wicked Waypoints powerful "slice and dicing", segmenting of waypoints and analytics.
Yes, you can go with all 1 brand of electronics and network them, then you're waypoints will be distributed to all units.
BUT, they're are clear leaders when it comes to side imaging, forward facing sonar, down imaging and 360 degree technology.
We personally have 2 different brands on our boats for that very reason.
So, if you do have multiple brands of fish finders, you'll be able to easily keep the waypoints on them in sync.
No more exporting and converting google earth files to the appropriate fish finder formats!
Simply install our desktop app and mark your waypoints in Google Earth!
Any waypoints that you create that fall within the lakes you've defined in Wicked Waypoints will be automatically imported!
*Please allow up to 5 to 10 seconds after clicking "Create Account" - no processing indicator is displayed.
@Copyright 2022 WickedWaypoints.com
*Wicked Waypoints is not united with any fishfinder or mapping companies.
Core Theme By SaasEasy.io