As summer fades and falls arrives, the leaves change colors and the air becomes crisp, another important change is taking place beneath the surface of the water – the movement of bass. Fall is the time of year when bass begin to migrate to their winter homes. Understanding these movements and where to find bass in the fall is an important aspect of a successful fishing expedition. In this article, we will explore various techniques and strategies for locating bass in the fall, as well as the top baits to use and tips for fall fishing success.

Understanding the Movement Patterns of Fall Bass

In order to locate bass in the fall, it is essential to understand their movement patterns. Fish tend to follow regular patterns throughout the year, and the fall is no exception. As the water temperature drops, bass begin to migrate to deeper water in anticipation of the colder weather. However, not all areas of the water are created equal, and there are certain locations that are more likely to be home to bass during their fall migration.

Factors that Influence Fall Bass Movements

A variety of factors can impact fall bass movements. One of the most important factors is water temperature. As surface waters become cooler than the deeper layers, the stratification of the water disappears, which allows rising cooler water temperatures to circulate and mix with warmer surface water. This mixing triggers a feeding frenzy among bass, which can last for several weeks or more.

Another important factor that influences fall bass movements is the amount of sunlight available. As daylight hours shorten, so do the feeding windows of bass. In fact, this is one of the reasons why many anglers find it difficult to catch bass in the fall season. However, while the feeding periods may be shorter, bass are still actively feeding and searching for food.

Identifying High-Percentage Areas for Fall Bass

The next step in locating bass in the fall season is identifying the areas where these species are most likely to be found. This requires anglers to consider a variety of topographical features and structures that attract fall bass.

The Importance of Structure and Cover

Structure and cover are two important elements in finding bass in the fall. The structure provides a place for bass to relate to and feel comfortable, while the cover serves as a hiding spot from predators. Some of the best types of structure include ledges, drop-offs, humps, creek channels, and points. When you can find all of these features grouped together, you can bet that bass will congregate in this area in search of food. The best cover to look for includes weeds, logs, and rocky outcroppings.

Topographical Features That Attract Fall Bass

Once you’ve identified specific areas with good structure and cover, consider looking for topographical features that bass typically congregate around. Some of these may include steep drop-offs, submerged reefs, and underwater drains or rock formations that create natural funnels or choke points. Areas that produce strong currents or have a point that extends out into deeper water can also be highly productive.

Shallow vs. Deep Water Fall Patterns

When trying to locate bass in the fall, it’s important to remember that fishing strategies can vary depending on water depth. In fact, some anglers believe that fall is the best time to fish shallow water. As bass migrate to deeper water in search of their winter homes, they can often be found active near shoreline drop-offs, flats, and other near-shore structures. In addition to these shallow areas, bass can also be found in deeper areas during the fall months.

Best Baits for Fall Bass

Once you’ve located fall bass, it’s time to choose the right bait for the job. Three proven baits are considered very effective when it comes to targeting bass in the fall: crankbaits, jigs, and topwaters. Why? Let’s explore.


Crankbaits can be incredibly successful when it comes to catching fall bass. They are a great choice because they can be used to mimic a variety of prey items including baitfish and crawfish, which bass feed heavily upon in the fall months. When selecting a crankbait, it’s important to choose one that imitates the color of baitfish that live in the water you are fishing.


Jigs are another excellent choice for catching fall largemouth bass. They are particularly effective when you’re fishing deeper waters where bass may be located. They can be used to simulate a crawfish, which is a staple food for bass in the autumn months. Bass that are holding deeper will often be more interested in this presentation than one that is just being retrieved near the surface.


The third fall bass lure that this guide recommends is the use of topwaters. Topwaters are a classic bait choice among bass anglers because of the excitement and explosive action associated with this technique. Fall is one of the best times to fish topwater because the cooler water temperatures can make bass more aggressive. Keep in mind that quieter-looking lures are often more effective in the fall.

Techniques for Locating Fall Bass

Now that you have an idea of where to find bass and what type of baits to use, let’s look at some of the best techniques to employ when chasing fall bass.


Finesse techniques should be used when trying to get finicky bass to bite.

This can include drop shotting, shaky heads, and finesse jigs. These techniques require a slower and more subtle presentation, allowing the bait to appear more natural to the fish.


When using crankbait, it’s essential to choose the right type of bait based on the depth of water that you’re fishing. In general, it’s best to use a smaller, shallow diver crankbait in shallower water and switch to a deeper diving crankbait when fishing in deeper waters. This helps to ensure that the bait is effectively mimicking natural prey and increasing the chances of a successful catch.


Jigs are an effective technique for fall bass because they allow you to target deeper water and simulate natural prey, such as crawfish. When using jigs, it’s essential to choose the appropriate size based on the depth of water and the size of your targeted bass. A lighter jig is a good choice in shallow water, while a heavier jig may be needed in deeper water.

Drop Shotting

Drop shotting is another technique that can be highly effective for fall bass fishing. This technique involves suspending a small bait near the bottom with a lightweight hook and a sinker positioned several inches above the bait. This technique allows the bait to be presented in a natural-looking manner and can effectively entice even the most finicky bass to bite.

Tips for Fall Bass Fishing Success

While understanding the movement patterns of fall bass and using the appropriate baits and techniques are essential components of fall bass fishing, there are other tips and tricks that can help increase the chances of a successful catch:

  • Scout out your fishing location before heading out to fish. Look for signs of fish activity, such as jumping fish or baitfish activity, as this can help you locate areas of high concentration.
  • Adjust fishing techniques and baits based on the weather and other environmental conditions. For example, if water temperatures are cooler than usual, you may need to use slower techniques and retrieve speeds.
  • Be patient. Fall bass can be harder to catch, so don’t get discouraged if you’re not catching fish right away. Keep trying different techniques and baits and be persistent.
  • Take advantage of low-light conditions. Autumn mornings and evenings often offer the best opportunities for catching fall bass, as these low-light conditions can trigger feeding activity.

Final Thoughts

Locating bass in the fall requires a combination of skill, patience, and an understanding of the fish’s movement patterns. However, with the right techniques and baits, anglers can increase their chances of a successful catch. Remember to consider the water temperature and daylight conditions, identify areas of high concentration, and use the right baits and techniques for the job. By following these tips, you can improve your fall bass